
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 12, 2012


Londyn is such a happy little thing! Really! She will smile at anyone who smiles at her and she rarely fusses.  If she does, it means she is tired or hungry.  She got this little piano for Christmas, I knew it would be a few months before she would be able to sit up to it but I thought it was cute.  She LOVES it! She will sit and play with it forever. 

 She started sitting up at six months and loves that she is such a big girl now.  

This is Londyn and her cousin Oakley, they are 4 months apart.  We babysat for a day and she loved having her around.

She has 2 teeth! Her first one came in at 3 1/2 months but then just stayed where I could barely feel it with one corner poking out.  Then a few weeks ago I tried feeling it and it was gone...then 2 days later the whole top of it was sticking out.  Last weekend I noticed that another one had come in as well.  She is so happy I had no clue that she was getting any teeth. If you look close enough you might be able to see her two little chompers.  I tried to take a picture of them but it didn't work.
 She can stand up next to things for a little while if you put her there.  Daddy practices with her a lot and she is getting better every day.  

She LOVES food!  You are not allowed to eat at our house if you aren't going to feed her. She will eat most anything you give her except green beans(the mashed up baby ones)...she is not a fan, she gags when she tastes them.


heidijogoody said...

She is such a smiley thing. Little cutie

Unknown said...

She is beautiful Nichole. I love those happy smiles she gives!